Osburn: Inspire 2000
Are you interested in getting off the beaten path? The Inspire offers a style that will surely withstand variable trends with these pure lines of balanced proportions, allowing the brand Osburn to easily compare to European-style products. This more contemporary look is available on steel base, soapstone or even a minimalist base for those who prefer to place the unit directly on a non-combustible podium. Equipped with a 2.3 cubic feet firebox and an outside air intake, this unit will meet the requirements of domestic energy standards, not to mention that a mobile home installation is permitted.
The Inspire largely meets EPA requirements with emissions as low as 1.54 g/h and complies with the most stringent North American requirements. A guarantee of quality, reliability and durability, once again Osburn clearly demonstrates its firm commitment to the environment to the delight of wood heating fans.
• Fuel type : Dry cordwood (16″ recommended)
• Recommended heating area-ft² : () 500 – 2,100
• Overall firebox volume-ft³ : 2.4
• EPA loading volume-ft³ : 2.02
• Maximum burn time : () 8 h
• Maximum heat output-dry cordwood : (2) 75,000 BTU/h (22.0 kW)
• Overall heat output rate < : (2) (3) 14,800 BTU/h (4.34 kW) to 28,600 BTU/h (8.38 kW)
• Average overall efficiency (dry cordwood) : (3) 69% (HHV) (4) 74 % (LHV) (5)
• Optimum overall efficiency : (6) (7) 77 %
• Optimum heat transfer efficiency : (8) 75 %
• Average particulate emissions rate : (9) 1.54 g/h
• Average CO : (10) 89.4 g/h
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